About us

Grupo Empresarial Electromédico

Who are we

Grupo Empresarial Electromédico is a company created in 1982 in Spain and composed by three private companies from the services sector: Mantelec S.A., Iberman S.A.and Asime S.A.

More than 900 professionals with high technical qualiy and continued training are employed to offer our clients the best economical and technical solutions available on the market; that’s why many of our customers consider us as a strategic service provider.

How we got here

Our works

Over 40 years, GEE has remained faithful to the same working philosophy based in the integrated services for our clientes, offering them the best solutions for maintenance and technological renewal with the best technical options and with a 24/7 in-person service-

We are integrated into more than 200 public and private centers and hospitals in Spain, contribuiting to their competitiviness and efficiency and colaborating in the user and patient care quality.